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Are you curious about the benefits of strength training during pregnancy? 🤔 Now, we know that pregnancy can be a rollercoaster of emotions and physical changes. But did you know that incorporating strength training into your pregnancy routine can actually help you feel better, stronger, and more confident? 💪 Here are some of the amazing […]

Benefits of strength training while pregnant!

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Be sure to check out the youtube video that illustrates this blog post! Parenthood. You’re holding the baby for long periods of time. You’re lifting the baby in and out of the crib. You’re holding all the baby’s belongings (how can such a small human have so many things!). You’re sitting with the baby and […]

4 ways to physically prepare for parenthood!

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How long will it really take my postpartum body to fully recover? Part of being a personal trainer is setting realistic expectations for my client’s goals. For my prenatal clients, I know your training goals: feeling good during pregnancy, a successful birth and preparing for motherhood. I build your movement program based on these goals. […]

Ditch the toxic bounce back culture!

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Written by Lucelia Amorim The second trimester of your pregnancy is a time when most of the changes in your body will appear and it’s also when it gets easier to exercise again. All those pregnancy symptoms from the first trimester are now less intense such as morning sickness and hormonal instability, your energy levels […]

Second Trimester Exercise: The Dos & Don’ts 

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If you have ever wondered what an ABC FIT session really looks like… then here’s your answer!  Firstly, you can watch this video HERE to get a great understanding of what the preparation for each session looks like and what occurs during the session.  I can give you a little play by play down here! 🙌🏽 […]

What an ABC FIT Personal training session looks like!

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Written by Lucelia Amorim When you’re struggling with morning sickness in the first trimester of pregnancy, dealing with the changes of your body in the second, or hobbling and wobbling on your way to the bathroom as your due date approaches, exercising might be the last thing on your mind. However, studies suggest that strength […]

Top 5 Benefits of Strength Training During Pregnancy 

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Written by: Sabrina Stockel Yes, you can absolutely still workout and the training goal remains the same, prepare you for the main event: BIRTH! When it comes to the third trimester, we want to maintain the strength that we built up in trimesters 1 and 2. You will need that strength for your birthing process. […]

I’ve reached my third trimester, now what? Can I still workout? What can I do? What can’t I do?

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Written by: Lucelia Amorim Oftentimes, women struggle to understand that the toned and strong core that they used to enjoy prior pregnancy won’t always bounce back after the birth of their child, and Diastasis Recti might be the culprit.  What is Diastasis Recti?  Diastasis Recti (DR) is a thinning of the linea alba but is […]

What is Diastasis Recti? Abdominal separation huh?

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Waking up feeling like you’re going to throw up? Not a fun way to start your day! Here are some ways to combat morning sickness: Take a whiff Take a whiff of a lemon, rosemary, or mint. Due to heightened levels of estrogen during pregnancy, you are more sensitive to smells which can lead to […]

5 Ways to Combat Morning Sickness

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ALIGN. BREATHE. CORE. Everyone wants a tight core. But there is way more to it than just aesthetics. Your core muscles are amongst the most important muscles in the body. They play a major role in good posture, stabilizing the spine, and balance – all of which are thrown off during pregnancy. Pregnancy obviously brings […]